'our creation is that guru; the duration of our lives is that guru; our trials, illnesses and calamaties is that guru. There is a guru that is nearby and a guru that is beyond the beyond. I humbly make my offering to the guru, the beautiful remover of ignorance, the enlightenment principle that is within me and surrounds me at all times.'
Guru Stotram

Monday, 23 May 2011

Got sent a couple of good quotes back to back on Twitter. It felt significant for some reason.

The first:

"The confession of evil works is the first beginning of good works." Saint Augustine

And the second:

"All cruelty springs from weakness." Seneca

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Lismore Castle Arts
Still Life
Curated by Polly Staple
Gillian Carnegie, Anne Collier, Mark Leckey, Sherrie Levine, Seth Price and Richard Wright
until 31 September 2011
Click here to read my review for More Intelligent Life
Lismore Castle Arts

The Girls will be performing 'Diamonds and Toads' for the final time at PayneShurvell on Saturday 21st May 2-3pm.

Described by critic Herbert Wright as 'compelling and disturbing', I Am A Fantasy was chosen as one of the Guardian Guide's top five shows and described as 'seriously saucy, resplendent with feminist chutzpah.'