'our creation is that guru; the duration of our lives is that guru; our trials, illnesses and calamaties is that guru. There is a guru that is nearby and a guru that is beyond the beyond. I humbly make my offering to the guru, the beautiful remover of ignorance, the enlightenment principle that is within me and surrounds me at all times.'
Guru Stotram

Friday, 23 October 2009

Artist Helene Appel graduated her MA from the Royal College of Art, London in 2006. The first commercial gallery to show her work subsequent to that was Beverley Knowles Fine Art later that year. Since then she has exhibited with (amongst others), doggerfisher, The Outpost Gallery, Norwich (selected by Gavin Turk), Rachmaninoff’s, London, and The Approach. Her work is currently featured in Art Now: Beating the Bounds at Tate Britain until 13 December 2009 and is shortly to feature in Newspeak: British Art Now at The Saatchi Gallery in June 2010.

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