'our creation is that guru; the duration of our lives is that guru; our trials, illnesses and calamaties is that guru. There is a guru that is nearby and a guru that is beyond the beyond. I humbly make my offering to the guru, the beautiful remover of ignorance, the enlightenment principle that is within me and surrounds me at all times.'
Guru Stotram

Monday, 23 September 2013

The truth is I haven't been an art dealer since 2009 and in a little over three weeks I won't even be a thirty-something any more.  So it seems it's finally time to retire the Diary of a Thirty-something Art Dealer.

Thanks so much to anyone who has read it and to anyone who has made the material that has fed it.  I'll still be writing and I'll still be putting on exhibitions so if you're interesting in what's going on it'll all be at www.beverleyknowles.com

“The end of THE END is the best place to begin THE END, because if you read THE END from the beginning of the beginning of THE END to the end of the end of THE END, you will arrive at the end.” 
Lemony Snicket, The End

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