'our creation is that guru; the duration of our lives is that guru; our trials, illnesses and calamaties is that guru. There is a guru that is nearby and a guru that is beyond the beyond. I humbly make my offering to the guru, the beautiful remover of ignorance, the enlightenment principle that is within me and surrounds me at all times.'
Guru Stotram

Monday, 28 February 2011

If you're going to be in Edinburgh any time between 4 and 14 March you might want to check this out. I'm probably not going to be in Edinburgh any time between 4 and 14 March but if I were going to be then I'd definitely be checking this out.

March 4 / 18.30 to 21.30
March 5-14 / 10.00 to 18.00
Old Ambulance Depot
77 Brunswick Street

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